Faster build platform application.
Starter Kit for build Low-code applications.
Made for pro and low-code developer for customize.
Fast development
Skip coding Form UI and component with pre-built UI.
Simply build form with move and click and generated data model on UI.
Content Management
Provided admin panel can manage and create both data visualization viewer and input.
SQL Lover our DB is MariaDB
API Key Support
For use with service to service communication.
Access Control
User management, Data access and Application access.
- Permissions
- Role contain Permissions
Full Customize
Go further with customize everything. make it your own project match requirement.
Easy customize everything from start project.
Be modern application this tool has pre-built image can use with Docker.
you should know what HypeSDK made from.
for frontend development
one of them mose popular NodeJS backend framework.
like MySQL but community more recently updated
container base deployment
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